Watch "Don McLean – Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics" on YouTube

Watch “Don McLean – Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics” on YouTube

Catch the breeze and the winter chill in colors…. This is the one of the better music videos of Don McLean’s Vincent I have seen recently. The pictures match well with the lyrics and it had me thinking about how if we had a cataclysmic event such as the asteroid that impacted 65 million years ago — all the artistry of Vincent Van Gogh and Don McLean, as well as _so many others_ Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, thousands of other awesome artists would be gone.

So I’m pushing again for people to consider the idea of: instead of bringing back material from the Moon that would just be of commercial value to the US; instead: take material _to_ the moon and put a library on the moon. Not physical library material, but receivers for electronic data and storage material and even potentially 3D printers to get an electronic backup copy of the art and knowledge of the human race. This would be an outstanding accomplishment in my opinion.

The benefit would also be that the library would be for _all_ the countries of the world. There are over 200 sovereign countries on this little “pale blue dot” , and setting up a Moon based international library with representatives (librarians) from all sovereign countries would start a moon base out on a proper course. It would not be a military base with Freedom, Justice, or Patriot in its name by the United States, it would not be an attempt by Russia or China to counter the US’s attempts at world domination. It would truly be an international accomplishment. It would require librarians at a moon base to sort, categorize, and update material from each of the national libraries of the world. And would allow librarians from all the sovereign countries to come together and participate in a truly international moon base. I fear that the United States will try to militarize space and the moon far more than is good for the world. — It’s that crazy military industrial complex that we have all been warned about :-).
The best to you all.

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