
From jm

The pond is just unbelievably clear, Bob; I don’t EVER recall seeing it so clear. THANK YOU

So one of my clients sent me an email yesterday with the above quote. I just wanted to share my observations with you reading this. It took me 3 years to get it this clear. And I have to give them credit as a client, they didn’t try to second-guess me, prove that they were smarter than I was, and insist on putting rocks “for habitat” in :-) It would clear up for awhile but then turn green again partly because it is in a dip in their property and all the surrounding water flows into it.

So every rain it would get fertilizer and nutrients from their yard and even as far away as the street washed in and fooomp it would turn green. So I talked him into installing one of my swimming pool systems on it. It is a big pond but not quite the size of a swimming pool.

But because of all the nutrient influx I thought that my pool filters would work well. And they have. It has been through two rains already and didn’t turn green and then I got the email quoted above yesterday.

Those Fish are about 5 feet deep. In another post I talk about optical density and how I measure it. So I have concrete numbers and think that I can even get it a little better so we shall see :-). I do love a challenge :-)



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