L.A. Says Goodbye to ‘Shade Balls’

[Quote] The idea for L.A.’s shade balls came when a now-retired LADWP biologist learned about the application of “bird balls” in ponds along airfield runways. Airports have detention basins to collect stormwater runoff. As the ponds fill up, they attract birds. So airports float the balls on the ponds to keep the birds off. [EndQuote]


1) I assume that the new reservoir covers will also be plastic. Oh good! Let’s put massive amounts of plastic into our drinking water supply. Hey all of you people using non plastic water contaners… pointless!

2) Excellent idea to destroy all of our native wetlands and then spend $millions to keep the wildlife away from any remaining water cause it is ours.

3) Hey let’s flood pesticide laden rice fields for ducks and aquatic birds and then spend millions to keep the birds away from (OUR!) lakes and streams. And we could put poisons in our water to keep the algae from growing. Since there is no point in just letting the algae grow. Cause letting the algae grow would remove any nutrient inflow from just letting the wildlife live near the water.


Can I ask the “biologist” in the above article to give their biology degree back?

Bob http://www.PuraVidaAquatic.com

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