Colombia: 3,177 pregnant women with Zika; no microcephaly

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos said Saturday that there’s no evidence Zika has caused any cases of the birth defect known as microcephaly in his country, though it has diagnosed 3,177 pregnant women with the virus.

Source: Colombia: 3,177 pregnant women with Zika; no microcephaly

All the recent reports on the radio, on TV, and in the newspaper say that there is a link between microcephaly and the Zika virus. But if you have had much scientific experience you realize that it is virtually impossible this early to have definitively linked the microcephaly to _any_ virus.

Another case of full blown news media generated panic with no truth behind it.

The fact is that many/most insecticides are neurotoxins. They damage nerve tissue in insects. As I have said multiple times, human nerve tissue and insect nerve tissue is dangerously similar. And now Columbia reports no link between microcephaly and Zika. None. What could be the connection? Well I would bet that in some countries they are spraying insecticides heavily to control the mosquitos. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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