California Fire

Let’s all jump up and down now and scream and panic. Let’s panic and let CalFire have so much more power to tell homeowners to spray more Roundup and butcher more ecology. Like they told me. They told me to cut off the branches of old growth oak trees to 10 feet (so that there will not be good shade underneath.) Without shading …. The weeds will get more light and grow faster, but the ground will dry out faster. Then the weeds will all die faster. Oh, but wait we can pour Roundup all over and keep the weeds down the permaculture way. Hey let’s just automatically do whatever Calfire asks and cut down all the old oaks on a _north_ facing slope. Cut down old oaks that have not burned for 400 500 years or more. Oaks that, in the middle of August, have miners lettuce growing underneath them. (a shade loving, moisture loving plant ) Because with the fires we have just had those 500 yr old oaks are now magically a fire hazard and will burn. In Calfire’s opinion — tomorrow. With the oaks gone we can …. Pour more roundup around, plant iceplant, and make California more beautiful. Even better yet let’s just pave over all of California. That would be the right and safe way wouldn’t it. Not criticizing the fire fighters themselves who do an amazing job. But this is analogous to criticizing the military for not supplying appropriate battle armor without being accused of attacking the troops. My heart goes out to the transient who was killed, and all of the people displaced, and property damage in these last fires. But think people! Do not let Calfire feed the flames of panic so we destroy even more native habitat. The animals are having a tough time with the fires too and Cal Fire instead of demanding a 50-foot defensible Zone is now talking a 100 ft zone. They are literally demanding that the owner rip out native habitat. This the is not the permaculture way. Does Cal Fire have any checks and balances? Are they working with any kind of ecological preservation personnel or organization? What habitat organization is cal fire working with? what environmental organization and do those organizations have any experience with micro habitat and micro environments. As much as california likes to claim have no money we need to have somebody with ecological and micro habitat knowledge to provide consultation to homeowners to protect our environment. Bob 310 429 8477

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