Mumps outbreaks linked to waning vaccine protection


Well I seem to be posting a lot on Immunology. And unfortunately this is such a hot-button issue that even scientists can’t seem to approach it rationally. I’ve been posting to some extent because I’ve been taught a fair amount of Immunology. If you are receiving a degree in a specific Immunology Department this may be different but Immunology is mostly taught in microbiology classes because microbiologists were the first ones to identify and elucidate much of the structure and function of our immune system.

The early microbiologists were mostly interested in disease and the first vaccine ever was performed by a microbiologist.

He didn’t add any adjuvant he didn’t add any Mercury he didn’t add any squalene and he protected people from smallpox using cowpox scrapings.

So this CNN article on mumps presented at the top caught my eye because I had just been telling my roommate that it was entirely possible that some of the increase in outbreaks of various viruses such as measles and mumps could be due to the ineffectiveness of vaccines compared to the natural robust immune response when we catch the disease itself.

Most of the people who caught these diseases naturally when young are now dying off of old age and the majority of our population has now only been vaccinated against them.

From the CNN story above

Second, most recent mumps outbreaks have occurred among people who had received the recommended two vaccine doses.

Think about that. There is such a frail line of protection with a vaccine. The CDC reports that in the Disneyland outbreak of measles 60% of the people who caught it were unvaccinated. Please flip that around. It means that 40% who got measles had been vaccinated and this ratio is nearly 50/50 which means that a vaccinated person had almost as much chance of catching the disease as if you were completely unvaccinated!
Seriously!? Which means the efficacy of the vaccine is extremely low, almost zero, in effect water but with all the side effects associated with it.

This is cause for concern but certainly not the _fault_ of the anti-vaxxers. And it may be that the anti-vaxxers who take their kids to disease parties will be our saving grace

Oh and I’m a bit worried about my vaccinations. I had chickenpox but if there is anybody in Southern California having a measles party, or mumps party or a disease(that I haven’t thought of other than chicken pox) party — could you invite me :-)

Send me a message through my main website. I am quite serious. I only had a light case of mumps. I’ll help clean up!

Stop hating and learn ☺

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