
If we sit back and let it, the word — no, the idea of permaculture will mean as much in 10 years as the word organic does today. Organic means that there are several pages of approved toxins at the USDA website that you can spray on crops and our food. And if one of those doesn’t work you can get a waiver and spray virtually any of the known ag chemicals on them and …. here’s the best part :-) still list it as organic! That way when the statisticians determine cancer rates agribusiness can say “Oh look there’s just as much cancer in people that eat organic.” ;-)

So it really is up to us we can let agri business hijack the term permaculture, or not. So be aware that there are probably agribusiness vice presidents a d sich who’s daily _job_ it is to monitor the organic and permaculture groups and given the right opportunity to say “oh but it’s really not that bad to kill things and spray pesticides.

They would also say

Really, I have your best interest at heart. And trust me, cigarettes don’t cause cancer” :-)

Best to all

Spread the Good News Below: Permaculture!
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