I have the best job

I have the best job. I’ve had people tell me that I’m not as professional as I should be and that’s okay as an amateur (root is amore) I do it for the Love Of It :-)

Many of my friends get to a Friday moonlight hike I attend complaining about their jobs, or the week, or about their co-workers, and I have spent it watching ducks, and butterflies, and dragonflies, frogs, and promoting knowledge.

I have clients who send me excited emails about what they have learned about some of the native marsh plants I have put in their system.

In the sixties and seventies we screamed about the loss of the Amazon jungle habitat and biodiversity while we were destroying right and left America’s own marshes and wetlands and the biodiversity that they contained. And I get to reintroduce some of that biodiversity to people’s own backyards.

I have the best job.

Spread the Good News Below: Permaculture!
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